Rehabilitation study for Ras El Ain Dump: EIA, Expropriation and Tender documents support

Project Description

Scope: Rehabilitation of Ras El Ain Dump, Tyre Caza, related to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study, Preparation of the Expropriation File, and Support in the Preparation of Tender Documents to execute related works.

The Ras el Ain dump is located 600 m from the shoreline at an altitude of 17-22 m above mean sea level in the region of Deir Qanoun – Ras El Ain in a rural and agricultural zone.  The parcel of land is privately owned and has a total surface area of 13,569 m2.  The dump abuts Tyre Nature Reserve and is a few hundred meters south of the historical Ras El Ain springs and has extended in some places to neighboring parcels, specifically towards the west into the Tyre Nature Reserve.

Description of Provided Services

  • Surveying the site to establish dimensions, plot’s boundaries, and lateral and vertical extension of the dump.
  • Initiating the comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study to ensure that technical and environmental parameters are accounted for a better decision making that is feasible and sustainable when it relates to dump closure and rehabilitation methodology, and locating the treatment processes and sanitary landfill cell(s), including geological and hydrogeological studies.
  • Developing conceptual designs for three works, including machinery: Process of excavation and treatment of Waste; Reception and landfilling of material, including the sanitary cell(s),
  • Completing a project budget and a preliminary feasibility study.
  • Sitting the needed operations to best justify the selection of areas and locations needing expropriation and preparing the expropriation file.

Project Details


Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR)

Project Completion Date:

October 20, 2016


Ras El Ain, Tyre Caza

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