ESIA for Hawa Akkar wind farm in north Lebanon

Project Description

Scope: Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for a Wind Farm, Hawa Akkar s.a.l., Akkar, North Lebanon

MORES was commissioned to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for a wind farm project in Wadi Khaled, Akkar, as per the requirements of the Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Lebanon, MoEW, WB and EBRD. The electricity generated by the 60 MW wind farm would be integrated into the national grid and would contribute to alleviating severe power cutbacks in the deprived area of Wadi Khaled in Akkar. The project included site and technology selection, project impact assessment, and mitigation and monitoring with special focus on biodiversity.

Provided Services

  • Site inspection and field work;
  • Gathering and analyzing relevant data;
  • Thorough biodiversity assessment of flora and fauna with focus on birds, both migratory and local breeding species, bats and reptiles;
  • Geology and hydrogeology assessment;
  • Assessment of physical, biological, and socio‐economic impacts related to the operation and construction phases of the project – including on‐site visual and noise impact assessment;
  • Analysis of alternatives: including site/project location, power generation, turbine height and distribution; and
  • Development of corrective and preventive actions: mitigation measures, environmental monitoring and management plans during construction and operation phases.
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