Project Description
Scope: Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Construction and Operation of a CSocio-economic impact evaluation
Cement Plant in Janta, Baalbek Caza, Lebanon
The project consists of constructing a cement plant in Janta, Baalbek Caza, with a capacity of 3000 tons/day. The project aims to supply the local market, mainly the Bekaa area, and the regional market, specifically Syria, with cement and alleviate the growing cement deficit in the domestic supply. It is estimated that the Bekaa area needs around 3,000 to 5,000 tons of cement per day. The shortage in cement in the area and the supply from other areas in Lebanon and/or regionally is a serious constraint in the development of basic infrastructure in the area.
Description of Provided Services
- Description of the different components of the projects including the list of different equipment to be used within the production process;
- Preparation of an air dispersion modeling report;
- Conducting a geological study of the project area including rock sampling and chemical analysis for potential use as raw material in the production process (samples from the project site);
- Assessing socio-economic conditions in the area through field surveys and conducting questionnaires.
- Conducting a number of meetings with the public and relevant stakeholders as Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry, neighboring municipalities, etc.;
- Development of mitigation and monitoring plans to be implemented during the construction and operation phases of the plant