Baseline Marine Pollution Survey in Lebanon

Project Description

In order to establish scientific evidence of marine litter sources and hotspots in Lebanon, the Ministry of Environment requested the support of the World Bank through funding from PROBLUE, a World Bank multi-donor trust fund, to implement a Technical Assistance with the following objective: (i) establish a baseline for marine litter in Lebanon and (ii) improve the capacity of Lebanese communities to prevent and reduce marine litter.

The purpose of this project is to inform decision-makers on the status of marine litter in Lebanon and enable the development of an action plan to prevent and mitigate the leakage of waste into Lebanon’s marine and coastal environment.  The project comprised a desk-study complemented by targeted field work, including data collection, analysis and modelling, and stakeholder consultations.

Description of provided services

Specific Activities implemented by the Consortium (RWA Group & MORES in association with Institute of the Environment at the University of Balamand) included:

  • Meetings with selected municipalities and Ministry of Environment
  • Identification of sources of marine litter using the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT)
  • Identification of pathways and hotspots of marine litter (through accumulation surveys, CSIRO surveys and marine surveys)
  • Data Analysis
  • Stakeholders’ involvement
  • Drafting Report, data validation and report finalization.

Project Details

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